I've added a custom domain (bought on GoDaddy) to my Heroku app and am on the hobby dyno. When I type in www.example.com
everything works fine, but when I open example.com
I get a name mismatch error.
My cname host www
points to example-78914389.herokudns.com
and I have forward to https://www.example.com on GoDaddy enabled.
The certificate is only valid for the following names: shortener.secureserver.net, www.shortener.secureserver.net.
Why is the certificate valid for these domains and not for my example.com? I don't know if it matters, but I just ported the domain from zeit now to GoDaddy.
works, with the S and no-www? Doesn't match my experience with GoDaddy, but perhaps they finally fixed it. – ceejayoz