I want to "grow" a PreFab in unity using some parameters that are the numerical solution of a ODEs system. I have two scripts: one that literally grows the prefab and another one that solves an ODE using 4th order Runge-Kutta numerical method.
The code for ODE solution is this one:
using System;
namespace RungeKutta4
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Incrementers to pass into the known solution
double t = 0.0;
double T = 1.0;
double dt = 0.1;
// Assign the number of elements needed for the arrays
int n = (int)(((T - t) / dt)) + 1;
// Initialize the arrays for the time index 's' and estimates 'annualGrowth' at each index 'i'
double[] annualGrowth = new double[n]; //y
double[] s = new double[n]; //t
// RK4 Variables
double dy1;
double dy2;
double dy3;
double dy4;
// RK4 Initializations condizioni iniziali
int i = 0;
s[i] = 0.0; //t0 = 0
annualGrowth[i] = 1.0; //y(t0) = y(0) = 1
// Iterate and implement the Rk4 Algorithm
while (i < annualGrowth.Length - 1)
dy1 = dt * equation(s[i], annualGrowth[i]);
dy2 = dt * equation(s[i] + dt / 2, annualGrowth[i] + dy1 / 2);
dy3 = dt * equation(s[i] + dt / 2, annualGrowth[i] + dy2 / 2);
dy4 = dt * equation(s[i] + dt, annualGrowth[i] + dy3);
s[i + 1] = s[i] + dt;
annualGrowth[i + 1] = annualGrowth[i] + (dy1 + 2 * dy2 + 2 * dy3 + dy4) / 6;
double t_rounded = Math.Round(t + dt, 2);
if (t_rounded % 1 == 0)
Console.WriteLine(" y(" + t_rounded + ")" + " " .PadRight(10) + annualGrowth[i + 1]);
t += dt; //t = t + dt
};//End Rk4
// Differential Equation
public static double equation(double t, double annualGrowth)
double y_prime;
double k = 0.1;
double maxHeight = 5.0;
return y_prime = k * annualGrowth * (1-(annualGrowth/maxHeight));
Then I have the "growing" script in unity:
public class Growth : MonoBehaviour
SetupScene setup;
TimeManager timeManager;
float currentLenght;
float currentWidth;
Genetic geneticInfo;
bool isMaxLenght;
bool isMaxWeigth;
GameObject newInternode;
float annualLengthGrowth = 0.05f;
float annualWidthGrowth = 0.01f;
Vector3 annualGrowth;
bool hasChild;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Awake()
annualGrowth = new Vector3(annualWidthGrowth, annualLengthGrowth, annualWidthGrowth);
setup = GameObject.Find("Setup").GetComponent<SetupScene>();
timeManager = GameObject.Find("Time Manager").GetComponent<TimeManager>();
currentLenght = 0f;
currentWidth = 0f;
geneticInfo = new Genetic(1);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
Debug.Log("ciao, sono nato " + gameObject.name);
Debug.Log(timeManager.IsYearElapsed + " " + gameObject.name);
if (timeManager.IsYearElapsed)
float scaleFactorXZ = 1f;
float scaleFactorY = 1f;
if (gameObject.name != "Seed")
scaleFactorXZ = geneticInfo.InternodeMaxWidtht;
scaleFactorY = geneticInfo.InternodeMaxLenght;
currentLenght = (gameObject.transform.lossyScale.y + annualGrowth.y);
currentWidth = (gameObject.transform.lossyScale.x + annualGrowth.x);
if(currentWidth > geneticInfo.InternodeMaxWidtht)
currentWidth = geneticInfo.InternodeMaxWidtht;
isMaxWeigth = true;
if(currentLenght > geneticInfo.InternodeMaxLenght)
currentLenght = geneticInfo.InternodeMaxLenght;
isMaxLenght = true;
gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(currentWidth/scaleFactorXZ, currentLenght/scaleFactorY, currentWidth/scaleFactorXZ);
if (isMaxLenght)
if (!hasChild && setup.Manager.InternodeNumber < geneticInfo.MaxInternodeNumber)
Debug.Log("nuovo internodo creato");
setup.LastInternodePosition = gameObject.transform.position + new Vector3(0f, geneticInfo.InternodeMaxLenght, 0f);
newInternode = Instantiate(setup.Prefab, new Vector3(setup.LastInternodePosition.x, setup.LastInternodePosition.y, setup.LastInternodePosition.z), Quaternion.identity);
newInternode.transform.localScale = Vector3.zero;
newInternode.transform.parent = setup.LastInternode.transform;
setup.LastInternode = newInternode;
hasChild = true;
if (isMaxWeigth)
gameObject.GetComponent<Growth>().enabled = false;
I want to link the numerical solution of ODE script to the value float annualLengthGrowth = 0.05f;
in the unity script that is, for now, hardcoded. The problem is that at each update (or timestep) the initial value of ODE system must be the final numerical calculated value of the previous step.
For example, given that at first timestep, the initial value of annualGrowth in ODE script is 1.0, the final calculated value is (for example) annualGrowthT1 = 2.35f
, I have to use this value in Unity script at first time step as annualLengthGrowth
. At next time step, the initial value for ODE script should be annualGrowthT1 = 2.35f
, then the calculated final value should be (for example) annualGrowthT2 = 3.56f
and this value must be used in the second time step in unity script as new annualLengthGrowth
. And so on.
It should be clear thank to this picture:
and call that one from the growth script. The advanced version would be aRK4stepper
class that computes its steps with an appropriately long step size and interpolates the required values, performing a new step if the input time is outside the current interval. See "dense output". – Lutz Lehmann