
There's a good chance I haven't had enough coffee today, but I've got an issue I've been going around in circles with for the last few hours.

I've created a CustomEntry class which is just a ContentView containing an Entry and a few other bits and I have added a new BindableProperty to this class which should set it's "Test" property.

The plan is to pass a string value from my ViewModel via this bindableproperty but rather than just hardcode the value (eg. ) I want to pass a value from my ViewModel using a binding (eg. Test="{Binding AStringFromMyViewModel}") - For some reason, when I try using a binding, the bindableproperty is never set.

Note that if I do hard-code the value, eg Test="123", then it works fine but doesn't work if I do Test="{Binding AStringFromMyViewModel}" as I have done below.

Here's what I have:

Page XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pages:BasePage xmlns:pages="clr-namespace:ShoppingListNEW.Pages" NavigationPage.HasNavigationBar="True" xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml" xmlns:helpers="clr-namespace:ShoppingListNEW.MarkupExtensions" xmlns:views="clr-namespace:ShoppingListNEW.Views" xmlns:yummy="clr-namespace:Xamarin.Forms.PancakeView;assembly=Xamarin.Forms.PancakeView" x:Class="ShoppingListNEW.Pages.SignUp">
        <Label Margin="15,15,0,0" TextColor="#2b2c2e" Text="{helpers:TranslateExtension FirstName}"></Label>
        <views:CustomEntry Test="{Binding AStringFromMyViewModel, Mode=TwoWay}" BorderColor="Gray" HeightRequest="50" PlaceholderColor="Gray" Margin="15,0,15,0" BackgroundColor="Transparent" Text="{Binding FirstName}" TextColor="#232324" Placeholder="{helpers:TranslateExtension PleaseEnterYourFirstName}" AutomationId="txtFirstName" />

Page Backing

public partial class SignUp : BasePage
    public SignUp()

        //Bind our UI to our ViewModel
        BindingContext = App.Locator.SignUpViewModel;

View Model

public class SignUpViewModel : ViewModelBase
    //I expect this value of "123" to be passed to my BindableProperty but it's not
    public string AStringFromMyViewModel {get; set; } = "123";

    public SignUpViewModel()

And finally my new CustomEntry control - I don't think you need the XML, as it's just the BindableProperty that isn't working.

public partial class CustomEntry : ContentView, INotifyPropertyChanged
    public static readonly BindableProperty TestProperty =
        BindableProperty.Create("Test", typeof(string), typeof(CustomEntry), null, BindingMode.OneWay, null);

    public string Test
            return (string)GetValue(TestProperty);
    //This is never called
            SetValue(TestProperty, value);

    public CustomEntry()
        BindingContext = this;


Thanks in advance.

why the bindable property BindingMode is set to OneWay but then in the xaml you are saying it's Mode=TwoWay? it might be causing issues, other than that i couldn't detect any errors on your code, have a pause of 15 and drink a cup of coffee :)Ricardo Dias Morais
Thanks, in all honesty it's only like that because I've been messing around with them so much trying to get it working! I think I may have found the solution now actually, will post it shortly.Martin Crawley

2 Answers


As always, I manage to fix it 5 minutes after I post.

It looks like the issue was because of the BindingContext in the CustomEntry. Removing that kicks everything into life, so that's my next step!


Modify your ViewModel to implement INotifyPropertyChanged and change your AStringFromMyViewModel {get; set; } become

private string _aString;
public string AStringFromMyViewModel {
    get => _aString;
    set {
        _aString = value;
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(AStringFromMyViewModel)))