
I have in my server a Orion Context Broker (https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-orion) but i need to add some restrictions to my "consumers" when they use the endpoint(s) e.g(http://myhost:1026/v2/entities). Is possible configure the local/personal Broker with token like https://fiware-orion.readthedocs.io/en/1.11.0/quick_start_guide/index.html#orion-context-broker-quick-start-guide ?

Thank you very much.


1 Answers


The Orion Context Broker does not offer roles and permissions directly. To add roles and permissions to restrict an endpoint, you will need to use a PEP Proxy - which security mechanism you use to do this is up to you.

There are several OAuth2-based security components found within the FIWARE Catalogue, alternatively you could another open source PEP Proxy such as steelskin which integrates nicely with either Keyrock or Keystone