We are creating a Mule application which will be running in a container on Kubernetes and will be in a replica set that will be connecting to JMS 2.0 Red Hat AMQ 7 (based on ActiveMQ Artemis).
The pom.xml has been configured to get the jms client:
And the JMS config is configured as:
<jms:config name="JMS_Config" doc:name="JMS Config" doc:id="8621b07d-b203-463e-bbbe-76eb03741a61" >
<jms:generic-connection specification="JMS_2_0" username="${mq.user}" password="${mq.password}" clientId="${mq.client.id}">
<reconnection >
<reconnect-forever frequency="${mq.reconnection.frequency}" />
<jms:connection-factory >
<jms:jndi-connection-factory connectionFactoryJndiName="ConnectionFactory" >
<jms:name-resolver-builder jndiInitialContextFactory="org.apache.activemq.artemis.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory" jndiProviderUrl="${mq.brokerurl}"/>
<jms:consumer-type >
<jms:topic-consumer shared="true" durable="true"/>
<jms:producer-config persistentDelivery="true"/>
Then in the JMS listener component:
<jms:listener doc:name="EMS JMS Listener" doc:id="318b4f08-daf6-41f4-944b-3ec1420d5c12" config-ref="JMS_Config" destination="${mq.incoming.queue}" ackMode="AUTO" >
<jms:consumer-type >
<jms:topic-consumer shared="true" subscriptionName="${mq.sub.name}" durable="true"/>
<jms:response sendCorrelationId="ALWAYS" />
The variables are set as:
Is this the best way to configure the client? As we have seen errors in the logs when deployed to K8s regarding connections to the AMQ server:
javax.jms.InvalidClientIDException: client-id-135a9514-d4d5-4f52-b01c-f6ca34a76b40 was already set into another connection