I have created a code which replaces placeholders on google slides. The starting point of this project is a google form. Once the google form has been submitted - then the relevant data from google form is entered on the google slides template. See below code. I am looking to create a question on the form where people will be able to select multiple slides to be included (2 Credential slides for example out of 10)
function PoD() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var lr = ss.getLastRow()
for (var i =2;i<lr;i++){
if(ss.getRange(i, 1).getValue()){
//Make a copy of the template file
var documentId = DriveApp.getFileById('1REHMrl6kfzXbgSipvBDkNitkfsM8tJsUSAICggxNsHw').makeCopy().getId();
var Name_of_programme = ss.getRange(i, 2).getValue();
DriveApp.getFileById(documentId).setName("PwC's Academy_"+Name_of_client+"_"+Name_of_programme+"_"+Month);
var FileName = Name_of_programme;
//Get the document body as a variable
var body = SlidesApp.openById(documentId);
body.replaceAllText('{Name of programme}', Name_of_programme);
var lastSlide = body.getSlides();
I am looking to continue the script to include a function to select multiple slides. I saw the below script to copy one slide but have not been able to figure out how to copy multiple slides easily.
var srcPresentationId = "### source fileId ###";
var copysrcSlideIndex = 0; // 0 means page 1.
var copydstSlideIndex = 0; // 0 means page 1.
var src = SlidesApp.openById(srcPresentationId).getSlides()[copysrcSlideIndex];
SlidesApp.getActivePresentation().insertSlide(copydstSlideIndex, src);
I want to give people the choice to select which slides to include on the google form as multiple choice.
At the back end of the script, would I need to map the names of the slides with slide numbers? or can have include a unique reference in a text box on each slide and then select the relevant slide? Thinking out loud here. Any guidance would be appreciated.
At the back end of the script, would I need to map the names of the slides with slide numbers? or can have include a unique reference in a text box on each slide and then select the relevant slide?
, I cannot understand about your goal. Can I ask you about your goal and current issue? – Tanaikecopy multiple slides from a master slide deck to a copied template
. AboutI would like to control this on a google sheet
, When I could correctly understand about your goal and clearly see the vision of it, I would like to think of the solution. – Tanaike