I'm looking to hide the null label from my chart here. I'm working in Actuate/Opentext designer. I originally needed for there to always be 28 column slots but there isn't always data points for each of those days. If there isn't- the label on the x-axis is showing up as null. I'd like to hide this label but can't figure out how. Even changing the color of it to white but I can't get around how to manipulate this label to never show when null. Here is an image of what I'm trying to remove from my chart and the current code
beforeGeneration: function(options) { options.xAxis.max = 27
//You can change options here.
options.plotOptions = {
series: {
pointWidth: 25, //size of column
pointPadding: 0.25, //size of padding between each bar
groupPadding: 0 //padding between each value groups in x axis