I have a namespaced Vuex store module, and I am trying to access that module's state in a component (via mapState) to set a default value in my data. However, the "mapped state" is always undefined in my component.
My store is:
export const defaults = {
id: null,
items: [],
const state = { ...defaults, };
export default {
namespaced: true,
and in my component, I have:
import { mapState, mapActions, } from 'vuex';
data() {
defaultSelected: this.cartDetail.items[0],
computed () {
...mapState('cartDetail', ['cartDetail,'],),
setDefaultSelected () {
return this.cartDetail.items[0];
created () {
Even when I console.log(this.cartDetail);
in either my setDefaultSelected
computed, or in created hook, it is undefined! Any help would be much appreciated!!