I am deploying Logic App workflow through ARM template in DevOps, which works great. When I need to connect to Blob storage or Storage Queue in the workflow, I am able to create these two API connections in ARM beforehand and then use them, but how can I create connection to KeyVault? The (I believe only required) connection parameters for the connection Template are vaultName
and token
as shown below. The whole template is in this gist.
"connectionParameters": {
"vaultName": {
"type": "string",
"uiDefinition": {
"displayName": "Vault name",
"description": "Name of the vault",
"tooltip": "Provide name of the vault",
"constraints": {
"required": "true"
"token": {
"type": "oauthSetting",
"oAuthSettings": {
"identityProvider": "aadcertificate",
"clientId": "7ab7862c-4c57-491e-8a45-d52a7e023983",
"scopes": [],
"redirectMode": "Direct",
"redirectUrl": "https://logic-apis-westeurope.consent.azure-apim.net/redirect",
"properties": {
"IsFirstParty": "True"
"customParameters": {
"tenantId": {},
"resourceUri": {
"value": "https://vault.azure.net"
"loginUriAAD": {
"value": "https://login.windows.net"
// <other input parameters>
But where can I get/find the token? Is it possible to somehow use the token that DevOps is using to deploy the infrastructure? Or get the token any other non-interactive way e.g. from powershell script? Any pointeres will be appreciated.