we are using azure search API but are getting no results for special characters that contain no alphanumeric characters.
We was having trouble returned any matching results for Japanese language and any special characters at all until we wrapped the string in quotes (") see the examples below (we are escaping the special characters also.
strings that did not work
var searchTerm = "嘘つきな唇で";
var searchTerm = "test@123";
var searchTerm = "?sd-^&*d$£(";
After wrapping in quotes i.e.
searchTerm = "\"" + searchTerm + "\"*"
all the above searches returned the expected matches but now we have an issue of no matches with strings with only special characters in i.e.
var searchTerm = "@@@@";
var searchTerm = "&@*(%$";
new SearchParameters
SearchFields = new List<string> {"name", "publicId"},
Top = 50,
SearchMode = SearchMode.Any,
QueryType = QueryType.Simple,
Filter = $"status eq 1"
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated
Kind regards