I am using multi container Beanstalk and trying to forward container logs to CloudWatch.
The option in Dockerrun.aws.json does not work for me as I need to forward the logs for each env to its own log group while having universal zip file to be deployed to each env. Unfortunately, there is no way to have log group specified as a variable in Dockerrun.aws.json.
So, what I am using is .ebextensions/00-container-logs.config:
"/etc/awslogs/config/container_logs.conf" :
mode: "000644"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
log_group_name=`{"Fn::Join":["-", [{ "Ref":"AWSEBEnvironmentName" }, "AppAndCrons"]]}`
command: service awslogs restart
The issue: once docker starts logging to a new file, it stops sending the logs to CloudWatch until the command "service awslogs restart" is executed manually. Any ideas, please?