
Form A has a button that opens form B which has a continuous subform which needs to filter records based on a field in form A.

The code attached produces the error: runtime error '2491' The action or method is invalid because the form or report isnt bound to a table or query

I suspect the continuous form is the problem as it doesn't appear in the Access forms list but it does have a name in form B however I don't know how to reference it.

Form B is opened from elsewhere without a filter so I don't want to change form B.

CODE: ... DoCmd.OpenForm Formname:="B",wherecondition:="woid = " Forms!A!cmbowoid.Column(0)


1 Answers


Let me guess: Form B has no RecordSource. Only the subform under B does. When you execute the OpenForm method on Form B, you get the error because the WhereCondition has no records to act on. The WhereCondition has no knowledge of (and no effect on) B's subform. The fix:

1) Use OpenArgs:

DoCmd.OpenForm Formname:="B", OpenArgs:="woid = " Forms!A!cmbowoid.Column(0)

2) In Form B's Form_Load event, enter this code:

Me.subFormB.Filter = Me.OpenArgs

As long as your OpenArgs is a valid Filter expression, this should work.