
Azure Traffic Manager monitoring status for Endpoints(Azure Application Gateway/WAF)is degraded. Web app behind the Application gateway is healthy and able to access through Traffic Manager.

Any help will be appreciated.


Does your application require you to sign in? We've had that before where the probe hits the redirect to sign in and returns a 302.DreadedFrost
No, it does not require any sign-in. My AppGW/WAF is v2. Is there anything related to V2.Sakaldeep Yadav
No, still the issue is there.Sakaldeep Yadav

2 Answers


You can press F12 to check the Network status of your webpage to determine what status is returned. You also can use tools to show the HTTP status code return from the probe URL. An endpoint is unhealthy when any of the following events occur:

  • A non-200 response is received (including a different 2xx code, or a 301/302 redirect) or non-any of the responses configured in the Expected status code ranges.
  • Request for client authentication
  • Timeout
  • Unable to connect

Also, If all endpoints in a profile are degraded, then Traffic Manager treats all endpoints as healthy and routes traffic to all endpoints. This behavior ensures that problems with the probing mechanism do not result in a complete outage of your service.

You could verify if any of the above events happen on your side and modify the health probe configuration. Such as the health probe path should have enough logic to identify the endpoint is up or down. Edit expected status code ranges and probe timeout. See more information about configuring endpoint monitoring.


I got the solution, this issue comes only if your listener is Multisites. If the listener is Basic for app gateway then it works as expected.

The solution, need to set custom header settings against the hostname. Like below:


You also need to set the custom status code range. Refer: https://sakaldeep.com.np/1156/troubleshooting-azure-traffic-manager-monitoring-status-is-degraded-for-azure