
I use both AMQP and MQTT protocols in RabbitMQ. I use the pica library for AMQP and the paho library for MQTT. I can give a message limit when I define the tail with Pika (x-max-length). But when I use paho for MQTT, I cannot limit the message. If I give the queue 50 message limit in the AMQP, the number of messages in the queue will never exceed 50. Why can't I do this on MQTT, is there another way I can set a message limit?


There is a sample video. The broadcaster sends the message fast, but because the receiver is slow, too many messages accumulate in the broker. I always want to receive the last message.

Why don't you add what you've tried? It's difficult to debug an issue without even knowing your approaches?Redowan Delowar
Because MQTT topics are not queueshardillb
@RedowanDelowar I want to use it because the rate of consumers who receive messages is slower than the sender.eiscan
@hardillb But it seems to open a tail in the rabbitmq panel.eiscan

1 Answers


Using rabbitmqctl you can directly set maximum length for queue using policies instead of doing that using client libraries.


rabbitmqctl set_policy my-pol "^one-meg$" '{"max-length-bytes":1048576}' --apply-to queues

Take a look on Queue Length Limit in official docs.