
I want to parse the following json:

  "defaults": {
    "align": "left"
  "animals": [
      "kind": "cat",
      "name": "Oscar",
      "align": "center"
      "kind": "dog",
      "name": "Max"

Parse align:

data Align = Left | Center | Right

instance FromJSON Align where
  parseJSON (String "left")   = pure Left
  parseJSON (String "center") = pure Center
  parseJSON (String "right")  = pure Right
  parseJSON _ = fail "Expect one of [left, center, right]."

Parse defaults:

data BlockDefaults = BlockDefaults { align :: Align }

-- default value Center if key does not exist
blockDefaults :: BlockDefaults
blockDefaults = BlockDefaults { align = Center }

instance FromJSON BlockDefaults where
  parseJSON = withObject "defaults" $ \o -> BlockDefaults <$> o .:? "align" .!= align blockDefaults

Now I want to parse dog and cat. If align does not exist (as in dog), it should take the value from defaults (left). So dog should become Dog{name="Max", align=Center} and cat Cat{name="Oscar", align=Left}.

But how do I access the default align value in parseJSON?

-- pseudo parse code
instance FromJSON Animal where
  parseJSON = withObject "animal" $ \o ->
    Animal <$>
    o .: "kind" <*>
    o .: "name" <*>
    o .:? "align" .!= <DefaultValue> -- How to access value from defaults object?

I do not want to parse defaults for every animal again, so how can I access those defaults values parsed before? Assume there are much more values in defaults and other animals.

So the animal parser code looks like this now:

parseAnimal :: BlockDefaults -> Value -> Parser Animal
parseAnimal defaults = withObject "animal" $ \o ->
  Animal <$> 
    o .: "kind" <*>
    o .: "name" <*>
      BlockDefaults <$>
      o .:? "align" .!= align defaults
How about instance FromJSON (BlockDefaults -> Animal)?Thomas M. DuBuisson
That sounds cool. Could you provide some code?Piu130

2 Answers


You don't have to use the FromJSON class, especially in such situations where parsing may depend on run-time data. With the freedom of declaring your own parsers, you can then easily define

parseAnimal :: BlockDefaults -> Value -> Parser Animal

Alternatively you can generalize Animal to a form that can be parsed without knowing the values of the defaults, e.g., just put a Maybe instead. For example:

data Animal_ a
  = Animal

type Animal = Animal_ Align

parseAnimal :: Value -> Parser (Animal_ (Maybe Align))
animalWithDefault :: BlockDefaults -> Animal_ (Maybe Align) -> Animal

My commented suggestion was to use BlockDefaults -> Animal as the instance. For example:

#!/usr/bin/env cabal
{- cabal:
     build-depends: base, aeson
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

import Prelude hiding (Either(..)) -- This is why you don't name your constructors 'Left' and 'Right'
import Data.Aeson

data Align = Left | Center | Right
    deriving (Show)

instance FromJSON Align where
  parseJSON (String "left")   = pure Left
  parseJSON (String "center") = pure Center
  parseJSON (String "right")  = pure Right
  parseJSON _ = fail "Expect one of [left, center, right]."

data BlockDefaults = BlockDefaults { align :: Align }

-- default value Center if key does not exist
blockDefaults :: BlockDefaults
blockDefaults = BlockDefaults { align = Center }

instance FromJSON BlockDefaults where
  parseJSON = withObject "defaults" $ \o -> BlockDefaults <$> o .:? "align" .!= align blockDefaults

data Animal = Animal { kind   :: String
                     , name   :: String
                     , aalign :: Align
    deriving (Show)

instance FromJSON (BlockDefaults -> Animal) where
    parseJSON = withObject "Animal" $ \o ->
        do k <- o  .: "kind"
           n <- o  .: "name"
           a <- o .:? "align"
           pure $ \def -> Animal k n (maybe (align def) id a)

main :: IO ()
main = print (decode "{ \"kind\": \"k\", \"name\" : \"n\" }" <*> Just blockDefaults :: Maybe Animal)