I have a dataflow job which reads JSON from 3 PubSub topics, flattening them in one, apply some transformations and save to BigQuery.
I'm using a GlobalWindow with following configuration.
.apply(Window.<PubsubMessage>into(new GlobalWindows()).triggering(AfterWatermark.pastEndOfWindow()
The job is running with following configuration
Max Workers : 20
Disk Size: 10GB
Machine Type : n1-standard-4
Autoscaling Algo: Throughput Based
The problem I'm facing is that after processing few messages (approx ~80k) the job stops reading messages from PubSub. There is a backlog of close to 10 Million messages in one of those topics and yet the Dataflow Job is not reading the messages or autoscaling.
I also checked the CPU usage of each worker and that is also hovering in single digit after initial burst.
I've tried changing machine type and max worker configuration but nothing seems to work.
How should I approach this problem ?