Azure Alert & Monitoring I have set Alert for Logic apps as a result for any issue happens 2 Alerts are coming 
1. Azure: Activated Severity: 3 Logic App Alert
2. Azure: Deactivated Severity: 3 Logic App Alert

Could someone help me like how I can stop this 2nd alert which is trigger wrongly because till that time we are not rectifying the cause of that failure which trigger the first trigger.

Hi Lalit, I have provided the steps below for your reference. If it helps your problem, please accept it as answer(click on the check mark beside the answer to toggle it from greyed out to filled in). This can be beneficial to other community members.Hury Shen

2 Answers


You can go to your logic app first and then click the "Alerts" button --> "Manage alert rules". enter image description here

Then you can delete the rules which you want. enter image description here

Or you can click the rule, and then disable it. enter image description here


Please check this document to know about "View and resolution of fired alerts".

enter image description here


There is apparently a new preview feature called ‘Action Rules’…

Action rules help you define alert suppression at scale with the ability to flexibly configure the period of suppression. In the previous example, the team can define one action rule on ContosoVM that suppresses all alert notifications for the weekend.

So I setup a new ‘action rule’ for alerts with Description contains 'Azure: Deactivated Severity'. We’ll see if this works… And once it comes out of preview the suppress rule might be expensive. We’ll have to keep an eye on this. :)