I am new to SQL and querying with google sheets. I am trying to do a query in google sheets with two tables (‘0112-0119’ and '2020 Jan’) in which I am trying to say, if the value A is the same in the two tables, select the column value, AI, from the table, ‘0112-0119’.
This is my SQL code:
SELECT '0112-0119'.AI
FROM '0112-0119', '2020 Jan'
WHERE '0112-0119'.A = '2020 Jan'.A
I am trying to translate this to a query in google sheets:
=QUERY({'0112-0119'!A2:BB13;'2020 Jan'!A1:AB25}, “select '0112-0119'.AI where '0112-0119'.A = '2020 Jan'.A')
but it doesn't work and keeps giving me #ERROR!
Instead of determining whether the value of A is the same in both tables, I can also return the value of AI from ‘0112-0119', if A is not null in both tables.