I'm setting up a VPC endpoint for a corresponding VPC service endpoint.
Our app calls the downstream service using a non- region or zone-specific name (routed to the VPCe).
We have 3 app subnets set on the VPCe (corresponding to 3 availability zones us-west-2a, -2b, -2c).
The service we're calling supports only 2 availability zones (us-west-2a, -2b).
When creating the endpoint (via CloudFormation) I get the following error:
The VPC endpoint service com.amazonaws.vpce.us-west-2.vpce-svc-01234567890123456 does not support the availability zone of the subnet: subnet-0abcdef0123456789. (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameter; Request ID: ...)
(Where that subnet is in AZ us-west-2c)
What's the fix here?
I can't leave out that subnet without preventing our app in that AZ from using the VPCe, right?
Seems like AWS expects the client and service AZs to match?
I must be misunderstanding something though. Would not expect it to be this rigid. (For example, if service us-west-2c
goes down, requests from client us-west-2c
should go to service us-west-2a
or -2b
. That's the whole point of AZs, right?)