
Based on example provided in docs for twilio-video v2.x I can connect to a chat room without automatically subscribing to any tracks published by remote participants like this:

  const { connect } = require('twilio-video');
  const room = await connect(token, {
    automaticSubscription: false

If I do this then how can I subscribe to remote tracks at later time?

It has been a while and I am currently trying to solve this same problem. Did you have any luck since you asked this question? If so, please provide the answer!Anj
Unfortunately no. I contacted twillio devs support and they told me this feature is not available in the current version (2.0.1 at that time) and it might be something they will add later. I haven't checked since then so you can maybe research and see if this has been added.mlst

1 Answers


You can check Twilio Track Subscription API.

or check below code for Updating Track subscription later.

// Find your credentials at twilio.com/console
const API_KEY_SECRET = 'your_api_key_secret';

const Twilio = require('twilio');

const client = new Twilio(API_KEY_SID, API_KEY_SECRET, {accountSid: ACCOUNT_SID});

//1. At connect time Adam wants to receive all the tracks.
//   Done by default rule. No further actions required.

//2. After a while, Adam notices his bandwidth consumption is too high and
//   decides to unsubscribe from all video tracks

  rules: [
    {"type": "include", "kind": "audio"}
.then(result => {
  console.log('Subscribe Rules updated successfully')
.catch(error => {
  console.log('Error updating rules ' + error)

//3. Later, a video screenshare track with SID MTXXXX is published to the room
//   and Adam subscribes to it.

  rules: [
    {"type": "include", "kind": "audio"},
    {"type": "include", "track": "MTXXXX"}
.then(result => {
  console.log('Subscribe Rules updated successfully')
.catch(error => {
  console.log('Error updating rules ' + error)

//4. John, another participant, is in a noisy place and his audio track is
//   annoying. Adam decides to unsubscribe from it.

  rules: [
    {"type": "include", "kind": "audio"},
    {"type": "include", "track": "MTXXXX"},
    {"type": "exclude", "publisher": "John", "kind": "audio"}
.then(result => {
  console.log('Subscribe Rules updated successfully')
.catch(error => {
  console.log('Error updating rules ' + error)