Example Sheet: Link
I have a fairly small data set that I sort frequently and to avoid sorting manually every time, I have created a basic sort in apps-script that works but is far from ideal. I was hoping there is a more straight forward sort method without needing any input from google formulas.
The data is set out like as (left) and once sorted as (right):
The apps-script I have so far looks like:
function sortSheet() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var data = ss.getSheetByName('Data');
var lA = data.getRange('B2').getValue(); //Retuns the row for the first occurance of this value. Via.(=MATCH($A2,'Sheet1'!$A:$A,0)) Where Match(Value,Range to check) on the 'data' sheet.
var nA = data.getRange('C2').getValue(); //Returns the total number of these values. Via. (=COUNTIF('Sheet1'!$A:$A,$A2)) Where CountIF(Range to check,Value) on the 'data' sheet.
var sortA = sheet.getRange('A'+lA+':Y'+(lA+nA)); //Selects the range that contains the values to be sorted. Via. A through Y within the specified rows.
sortA.sort({column: 2, ascending: true}) //Sorts range by column 2.
var lB = data.getRange('B3').getValue();
var nB = data.getRange('C3').getValue();
var sortB = sheet.getRange('A'+lB+':Y'+(lB+nB));
sortB.sort({column: 2, ascending: true})
var lC = data.getRange('B4').getValue();
var nC = data.getRange('C4').getValue();
var sortC = sheet.getRange('A'+lC+':Y'+(lC+nC));
sortC.sort({column: 2, ascending: true})
This script is reliant on the information given from the sheet "Data". Within this sheet it takes the first row that the given key is found in column B and the count of that key in column C.
The script then gets the required range to sort and runs through them one at a time. Anyone be able to assist with simplifying this operation or going about it in an easier way?