
I have managed to use node-red to simulate a slave device using a TCP connection, but now I want to do it via serial connection. I am using a dell gateway running mbpoll to simulate the master connected to a raspberry pi running node-red to simulate the slave via RS485. Is it possible for me to use node-red on the raspberry pi to simulate the slave device, so it responds to requests from the gateway with values like a sensor would?


1 Answers


Based on your previous questions you are using node-red-contrib-modbus; this node does not support Modbus RTU as per the node descriptions:

modbus-server - Node to provide a Modbus TCP server based on node-modbus (jsmodbus) for testing.
modbus-flex-server - Node to provide a flexible Modbus TCP server based on modbus-serial for testing.

There may be another module out there that does support RTU slaves but I am not aware of one. As such I think your options are:

  • Modify the existing note to add support for RTP.
  • Use a gateway. There may be software that will do this (its not all that complicated) but I've not found anything freely available. There are a range of hardward gateways (some fairly cheap) that support comms between an RTU master and a TCP slave - e.g. 1 or 2.