
I don't really like to use Jquery in a wordpress situation, but alas...

I have this script:

$('.woocommerce ul li').each(function(i)
     var lenke = $(this).find("a").attr('href');
     $(this).append('&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" class="sendTo" data-id="'+lenke+'" value="E-MAIL">');

$('.sendTo').on('click', function(e) {
  var url = $(this).attr("data-id");
   var email = '';
   var subject = 'MAIL from ME';
   var emailBody = 'Click to Download ' + url +'.';
      document.location = "mailto:"+email+"?subject="+subject+"&body="+emailBody;


The first code adds an EMAIL-button to each A HREF tag inside (ul)(li) inside a (div). As well as copy the HREF from the existing A HREF tag and apply that to the button data-id.

The second code opens a standard email client window and add the data-id as a clickable url in the email body.

Running this script under a normal HTML page (and in FIDDLE) everything works like a charm. Problem is, running it inside my wordpress page... the URL (variable) does not appear in the email body.

so the normal output in FIDDLE is like this:

 CLICK TO OPEN: https://sitename.com/document/doc.pdf

the Wordpress output looks like this:


Did I mention working with jQuery in Wordpress is something I don't like ?

The question remains, how to I encode the variable (url) into something that wordpress Jquery will send as text, and yet converts it into a clickable link in the email body ?

All and any ideas will be gratefully received.

try with $(document).on('click','.sendTo', function(e) {Roy Bogado
Have you tried it without jQuery, eg. document.querySelectorAll(".sendTo") ? Either way, the code looks ok, so maybe your email client doesn't allow URLs to be entered directly in to the body?James
I think that @Roy is correct - Since you are appending the, you need to first target something that does not change (document, body, etc), and find the element inside that.Stender
Do you get the link in your console?Stender
@Stender - when I run the code in Fiddle everything works fine. also the url link. It is only when I run it through wordpress it doesn'tXanderMan

1 Answers


I did a test where I removed the text from the variabel sent to the email body. I sent the URL only and it worked. So I made sure that the body-variabel didn't contain any code or hidden characters. This time it worked like a charm.

SO in the end I don't know what made it work, but this little edit did the trick.

  var emailBody = 'Click to Download ' + url