My requirements are as below :
- Move 3 SAP local databases to 3 Azure SQL DB.
- Then Sync daily transactions or data to azure every night. If transactions of local DB are already exists in azure, update process will do on these transactions if not insert process will do.
- Local systems will not stop after moving to azure. They will still goes about 6 months.
Note :
- We are not compatible with Azure Data Sync process because of it's limitations - only support 500 tables, can't sync no primary keys table, no views and no procedure. It also increase database size on both(local and azure).
- Azure Data Factory Pipeline can fulfill my requirements but I have to create pipeline and procedure manually for each table. (SAP has over 2000 tables, not good for me)
- We don't use azure VM and Manage Instance
Can you guide me the best solution to move and sync? I am new to azure.
Thanks all.