
I need no caching for both already uploaded files and for files which will be uploaded in the future.

For files already uploaded, I tried using gsutil setmeta but files are still being cached

For files which will be uploaded in the future, I have not made any changes in my python code.

Python code

from google.cloud import storage

from google.cloud.storage import Blob

client = storage.Client()

bucket = client.get_bucket('my_bucket')

name = "vtt_files/test.txt"

blob = storage.Blob(name, bucket)


If I enter http://storage.googleapis.com/my_bucket/vtt_files/test.txt, file is cached

What should I do? Thank you very much in advance

Please edit the question to say how you are accessing the files and how you're observing that you're getting cached data. Please be as specific as possible - we should be able to duplicate what you're doing to reproduce the behavior. stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-exampleDoug Stevenson
@DougStevenson done. thank you very much in advancepablofiumara
How can you tell that the files are being cached?AMC
@AMC I enter file's url and it shows old content. I use download_as_string and file contents are updatedpablofiumara
Sometimes this behavior is due to the browser, could you check if this behavior stands in Incognito mode as well?Soni Sol

1 Answers


This code was the solution

    blob = storage.Blob(to_blob, destination_bucket)
    blob.cache_control = 'no-cache'
    result = blob.upload_from_string(string)