
I am trying to use the angular material stepper to use as a progress tracker ( I know it's not meant for it... but that is the only one fitting my requirement). I have 5 steps in my stepper.

I want to turn the color on when the product or item has reached that point. I found the class mat-step-icon-selected for it. But it's not working.

I will be fetching the data from an API that would return me the status/step number. and based on that I need to turn the color.

I am not able to change the color of the class. I tried using ngClass on mat-step But it's not working.

this is my code:

 <mat-horizontal-stepper [linear]="true">

        <ng-template matStepLabel >
    <mat-step [className]="isTrue ? 'mat-step-icon-selected' : ''">
        <ng-template matStepLabel>PM</ng-template>
    <mat-step #stepper>
      <ng-template matStepLabel>HM</ng-template>
      <ng-template matStepLabel>BU</ng-template>
      <ng-template matStepLabel>FT</ng-template>

Suggest a solution to update the color of the stepper displayed.

Thanks :)


1 Answers


Add this in your component's css file:

:host ::ng-deep .mat-step-icon-selected {
    color: green; // your styles

To set the step dynamically, try like this:


import { MatStepper } from "@angular/material";

@ViewChild("stepper") private stepper: MatStepper;

selectStep(index) {
    this.stepper.selectedIndex = index;


<mat-horizontal-stepper [linear]="true" #stepper>