first question here!
I am a novice with R and sequence alignments in general.
I am trying to do a multiple sequence alignment on R (R'studio) using the MSA (multiple sequence alignment) package. I used the seqinr package to upload my fasta file into R. It only contains two sequences of the approximate same size - a template and a query. However, I am encountering an error that the user manual did not describe.
This is what I typed into the terminal
> query<-"file name"$"sequence within the file"
> template<-"file name"$"sequence within the file"
> msaClustalOmega(query,template)
and this is the result
"Error in checkInputSeq(inputSeqs) : The parameter inputSeq is not valid! Possible inputs are < character >, < XStringSet >, or a file."
The file names and sequences within the files do 'pop up' as options to select, so R recognizes they exist. I am not sure what is going on, and it is still very early in the MSA process.
Any help would be great, thank you!