Objective: Evaluating the algorithm for finding the largest sum in a continuous subarray below.
Note: written in C++
As I was looking into the problem that Kadane successfully solved using dynamic programming, I thought I would find my own way of solving it. I did so by using a series of recursive calls depending on whether the sum can be larger by shorting the ends of the array. See below.
int corbins_largest_sum_continuous_subarray(int n, int* array){
int sum = 0; // calculate the sum of the current array given
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){sum += array[i];}
if(sum-array[0]>sum && sum-array[n-1]>sum){
return corbins_largest_sum_continuous_subarray(n-2, array+1);
}else if(sum-array[0]<sum && sum-array[n-1]>sum){
return corbins_largest_sum_continuous_subarray(n-1, array);
}else if(sum-array[0]>sum && sum-array[n-1]<sum){
return corbins_largest_sum_continuous_subarray(n-1, array+1);
return sum; // this is the largest subarray sum, can not increase any further
I understand that Kadane's algorithm takes O(n) time. I am having trouble calculating the Big O of my algorithm. Would it also be O(n)? Since it calculates the sum using O(n) and all calls after that use the same time. Does my algorithm provide any advantage over Kadane's? In what ways is Kadane's algorithm better?