
Sometimes, kafka-node consumer starts consuming from offset 0, while its default behavior it to consume only newer messages. Then it will not switch back to its default behavior. Do you know how to solve this and what happens and its behavior suddenly changes? The code is very simple and this happens without altering the code.

var kafka = require("kafka-node") ;
  Consumer = kafka.Consumer;
  client = new kafka.KafkaClient();

  consumer = new Consumer(client, [{ topic: "Topic_23", partition: 0}

consumer.on("message", function(message) {



The only solution I have found so far is to change the kafka topic. Then everything works fine again. Any ideas ?

Can you share the options for your Kafka Consumer?Giorgos Myrianthous
Giorgo, there are none. Only the default settings as I have presented them.Cap Barracudas

1 Answers


In Kafka, offsets are not associated to specific consumers but instead, they are linked to the Consumer Groups. In your code, you don't provide the Consumer Group therefore, every time you fire up the consumer, it is being assigned to a different Consumer Group and thus, the offset starts from 0.

The following should do the trick (obviously the first time you are going to read all the messages):

var kafka = require("kafka-node") ;

Consumer = kafka.Consumer;
client = new kafka.KafkaClient();

payload = [{
    topic: "Topic_23", 
    partition: 0

var options = {
    groupId: 'test-consumer-group',
    fromOffset: 'latest'

consumer = new Consumer(client, payload, options);
consumer.on("message", function(message) {