
I am using Nuxtjs(Vue) and I have a sidebar which has headings and is scrollspying on my main content that contains those headings. I am using Scrollspy from Boostrap Vue(https://bootstrap-vue.js.org/docs/directives/scrollspy/#example-using-list-group). Every time one of the headings is clicked, the url is updated with the heading name(this works fine). I am converting all the headings into

  1. Lower case
  2. Remove all special characters
  3. Converting all spaces to hyphens

and then adding them to the URL after #

Example: Now when someone enters https://www.mydomainname.com/myarticlelisting/myarticlename#heading-3, I want it to scroll to where heading 3 is.

What works: Url is updated on click of the headings of the sidebar and scrolls to the heading.

What doesn't work: When URL is entered with the heading name after #, it doesn't scroll to the respective heading.

This is what I have:

My sidebar:

          <div v-b-scrollspy>
            <div class="sidebar_headings">
                v-for="(item, indexheading) in article.mainContent[
                ].filter(item => item.component === 'heading')"
                  v-if="item.component === 'heading'"
                  :to="`#${handleheading(item.text)}`"    <--- The reference to the headings
                  {{ item.text }}

My main content:

            v-for="(item, index) in article.mainContent['en']"

              :id="handleheading(item.text)"          <-- The headings

My methods:

handleheading(heading: any): any {
    const convertSpacesToDashesAndLowercase = heading
      .replace(/\s+/g, '-')
    const removeSpecialCharacters = convertSpacesToDashesAndLowercase.replace(
    return removeSpecialCharacters;

Jquery, not an option :) I would appreciate some help. Thank you!

Have you checked the dev console? Do you use an universal application (SSR)? I can imagine that Nuxt cannot find the anchor in the url.Effection

1 Answers

mounted() {
  const el = document.querySelector(this.$route.hash)
  el && el.scrollIntoView()

This solved it!