I have the following code:
import Debug.Trace (trace)
mtrace :: Show a => String -> a -> a
mtrace msg value =
trace (msg ++ show value) value
isVowel :: Char -> Bool
isVowel = (`elem` "AEIOU")
vowelSlice :: String -> ([Maybe Char], String)
vowelSlice "" = ([], [])
vowelSlice (c:s)
| isVowel c = (Nothing:chars, c:vowels)
| otherwise = (Just c:chars, vowels)
where (chars, vowels) = vowelSlice s
stringTogether :: [Maybe Char] -> String -> String
stringTogether [] "" = ""
stringTogehter (Just c:cs) vowels = c:stringTogether cs vowels
stringTogehter (Nothing:cs) (v:vs) = v:stringTogether cs vs
process :: String -> String
process s = stringTogether (mtrace "chars: " chars) (mtrace "vowels: " cycledVowels)
(chars, vowels) = vowelSlice s
cycledVowels = tail vowels ++ [head vowels]
main :: IO ()
main = do
line <- getLine
putStrLn $ process line
for testing I run my file using the runhaskell
command and the I enter HELLO PEOPLE
as user input once the program is running. I'm expecting the output: HELLE POEPLO
or something similar since my program is meant to shift the vowels only. My program works fine until it tries to run the stringTogether
method. Specifically the issue lies with the pattern matching, I have an array:
[Just 'H',Nothing,Just 'L',Just 'L',Nothing,Just ' ',Just 'P',Nothing,Nothing,Just 'P',Just 'L',Nothing]
and a pattern
(Just c:cs) vowels
that I expect it to match but somehow it doesn't seem to work. When I run the code and enter HELLO WORLD
I receive the following error:
18:1-25: Non-exhaustive patterns in function stringTogether
I logged a few things using the trace module and everything looks as expected before entering the stringTogether
I'm probably overlooking something really obvious but I just can't get my head around why the pattern match won't work, I hope someone is able to help. Thanks in advance!
(Nothing:_) []
. – Willem Van OnsemstringTogether
is always called with input generated fromvowelSlice
it shouldn't fail. – MrClottom