I'm using React Final Form to display a form and handle form submission. The scenario is that I want to clear all the form fields on a successful submission but show a submit success message which is bound to the final form submitSucceeded
FormState property.
If I use form.reset()
this clears all fields and validation but also clears the submitSucceeded
callback: event => {
handleSubmit(event).then(() => {
I can achieve this result by manually going through each form and removing the field value and then resetting the field state. The problem is I want to apply this to any number of forms and don't want to manually overwrite each field but instead automatically reset all fields.
callback: event => {
handleSubmit(event).then(() => {
form.change('name', undefined);
form.change('email', undefined);
Any help here is appreciated! ref: https://final-form.org/docs/final-form/types/FormState