I am trying to do a multiclass classification in keras. Till now I am using categorical_crossentropy as the loss function. But since the metric required is weighted-f1, I am not sure if categorical_crossentropy is the best loss choice. I was trying to implement a weighted-f1 score in keras using sklearn.metrics.f1_score, but due to the problems in conversion between a tensor and a scalar, I am running into errors.
Something like this:
def f1_loss(y_true, y_pred):
return 1 - f1_score(np.argmax(y_true, axis=1), np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1), average='weighted')
Followed by
model.compile(loss=f1_loss, optimizer=opt)
How do I write this loss function in keras?
Shape for y_true and y_pred is (n_samples, n_classes) in my case it is (n_samples, 4)
y_true and y_pred both are tensors so sklearn's f1_score cannot work directly on them. I need a function that calculates weighted f1 on tensors.
. – Mihai Alexandru-Ionut