
By using OpenCV version 4.2.0 in c++ (VS 2019) I created project which performs face detection on the given image. I used Opencv's DNN face detector which uses res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000_fp16.caffemodel model to detect faces. Below is the code of that function:

//variables which are used in function
const double inScaleFactor = 1.0;
const cv::Scalar meanVal = cv::Scalar(104.0, 177.0, 123.0);
const size_t inWidth = 300;
const size_t inHeight = 300;

std::vector<FaceDetectionResult> namespace_name::FaceDetection::detectFaceByOpenCVDNN(std::string filename, FaceDetectionModel model)

    Net net;        
    cv::Mat frame = cv::imread(filename);
    cv::Mat inputBlob;
    std::vector<FaceDetectionResult> vec;

    if (frame.empty())
        throw std::exception("provided image file is not found or unable to open.");

    int frameHeight = frame.rows;
    int frameWidth = frame.cols;

    if (model == FaceDetectionModel::CAFFE)
        net = cv::dnn::readNetFromCaffe(caffeConfigFile, caffeWeightFile);
        inputBlob = cv::dnn::blobFromImage(frame, inScaleFactor, cv::Size(inWidth, inHeight), meanVal, false, false);
        net = cv::dnn::readNetFromTensorflow(tensorflowWeightFile, tensorflowConfigFile);
        inputBlob = cv::dnn::blobFromImage(frame, inScaleFactor, cv::Size(inWidth, inHeight), meanVal, true, false);

    net.setInput(inputBlob, "data");
    cv::Mat detection = net.forward("detection_out");

    cv::Mat detectionMat(detection.size[2], detection.size[3], CV_32F, detection.ptr<float>());

    for (int i = 0; i < detectionMat.rows; i++)
        if (detectionMat.at<float>(i, 2) >= 0.5)
            FaceDetectionResult res;
            res.faceDetected = true;
            res.confidence = detectionMat.at<float>(i, 2);

            res.x1 = static_cast<int>(detectionMat.at<float>(i, 3) * frameWidth);
            res.y1 = static_cast<int>(detectionMat.at<float>(i, 4) * frameHeight);
            res.x2 = static_cast<int>(detectionMat.at<float>(i, 5) * frameWidth);
            res.y2 = static_cast<int>(detectionMat.at<float>(i, 6) * frameHeight);

#ifdef aDEBUG

            cout << detectionMat.at<float>(i, 2) << endl;

    return vec;

In the above code, after face detection I assign confidence and co-ordinates of face detected in custom class FaceDetectionResult, which a simple class having bool and int,float members as required.

Function detect faces in the given image, but while playing with this I am doing comparison with dlib's HOG+SVM face detector, So first I am doing face detection by dlib and then same image path is passed to this function.

I found some images where dlib can easily find faces in the image but opencv didn't find a single face, for example look at below image:


As you can see HOG+SVM detected 46 faces in approx 3 sec., If I pass this same image to above function then opencv did not detect a single face in it. Why? Do I need any enhancements in above code? I am not saying that function does not detect faces for any image, it does, but for some images (like above) it could not not.

For ref:

I used https://pastebin.com/9rt9reNY this python program to detect faces using dlib.

I marked faces which are having confidence >= 0.5, for this image if I change it to 0.12 then also I found only 8 faces with 2 false positive.Amogh
I tried your code in some many faces images and works properly. I think this is also similar to your referece which I used beforeYunus Temurlenk
@YunusTemurlenk have tried on provided image? As I said, it works very well but on some images it won't work at all.Amogh
I couldnt try your shared image cos it is not pure :). Maybe this is also a difference between the other models. Cos this model seems that it gives quick,speedy reults as I observedYunus Temurlenk
I think I found the problem. Just try to crop your image and try again :). It works fine. The problem I guess is about occlusion. I cropped half of image and tried it, the result is finding all faces. If It also works on your side, I think I can try to answer this question :)Yunus Temurlenk

2 Answers


After a deep search, unfortunately I couldn't find a good explanation to this problem. The reason why I tried to crop image is that I assumed there can be a maximum detected face number limit. It is also not about occlusion.

I tried some image examples which includes more than 20(appx.) faces and the results were the same but when I cropped those images(decrease the number of faces), program was able to find the faces.This is also not about the resolution(sizes) of the image because the images I tried had different sizes.

I also changed and tried the all parameters(iteration number, confidentThreshold etc.) but the result still wasn't the desired one.

My assumption but not the answer:

The program doesn't let to find the faces if image includes more than a maximum number(approximately 20)

As a solution for this question, we can divide the source image into 2 parts and find the rectangles for each one then can be pasted to source image.

Note: After digging deeply on the internet, I couldnt find a topic related to this problem. I am also curious about the main reason causes this issue so any help will be appreciated. This post only includes my experiences and assumptions.


change this line :

inputBlob = cv::dnn::blobFromImage(frame, inScaleFactor, cv::Size(inWidth, inHeight), meanVal, false, false);

by this line :

frameHeightinputBlob = cv::dnn::blobFromImage(frame, inScaleFactor, cv::Size(inWidth, inHeight), meanVal, false, false);