
Below is the scenario against which I have this question.

Requirement: Pre-aggregate time series data within influxDb with granularity of seconds, minutes, hours, days & weeks for each sensor in a device.

Current Proposal: Create five Continuous Queries (one for each granularity level i.e. Seconds, minutes ...) for each sensor of a device in a different retention policy as that of the raw time series data, when the device is onboarded.

Limitation with Current Proposal: With increased number of device/sensor (time series data source), the influx will get bloated with too many Continuous Queries (which is not recommended) and will take a toll on the influxDb instance itself.

Question: To avoid the above problems, is there a possibility to create Continuous Queries on the same source measurement (i.e. raw timeseries measurement) but the aggregates can be differentiated within the measurement using new tags introduced to differentiate the results from Continuous Queries from that of the raw time series data in the measurement.


CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "strain_seconds" ON "database"
  SELECT MEAN("strain_top") AS "STRAIN_TOP_MEAN" INTO "database"."raw"."strain" FROM "database"."raw"."strain" GROUP BY time(1s),*

1 Answers


As far as I know, and have seen from the docs, it's not possible to apply new tags in continuous queries.

If I've understood the requirements correctly this is one way you could approach it.

CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY "strain_seconds" ON "database"
  SELECT MEAN("strain_top") AS "STRAIN_TOP_MEAN" INTO "database"."raw"."strain" FROM "database"."strain_seconds_retention_policy"."strain" GROUP BY time(1s),*

This would save the data in the same measurement but a different retention policy - strain_seconds_retention_policy. When you do a select you specify the corresponding retention policy from which to select.
Note that, it is not possible to perform a select from several retention policies at the same time. If you don't specify one, the default one is used (and not all of them). If it is something you need then another approach could be used.

I don't quite get why you'd need to define a continuous query per device and per sensor. You only need to define five (1 per seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks) and do a group by * (all) which you already do. As long as the source datapoint has a tag with the id for the corresponding device and sensor, the resampled datapoint will have it too. Any newly added devices (data) will just be processed automatically by those 5 queries and saved into the corresponding retention policies.

If you do want to apply additional tags, you could process the data outside the database in a custom script and write it back with any additional tags you need, instead of using continuous queries