I have a .NET TreeView control with checkboxes on the leaves. I want to be able to get the value of the node when a checkbox is selected. Basically, this is a tree of email contacts and when the user selects a checkbox I want to pull the node value (email address) and place that in a text box. The second part is no problem, I'll just call a JS function to append the email to the text box.
So, the issue is how to extract the node's value from the checkbox with JS. Unless someone has an alternate method, I was thinking about extending the TreeView to not include a normal checkbox but rather one that can store a value. Note: I have an existing control called CheckBoxValue that will do exactly this. Fundamentally, my question is how can I extend the TreeView to include this? I believe this would be in the CreateChildControls method but would love some help.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Ryan