
We use TeamCity and Subversion for build management. For each project, we have multiple build configurations, one for each environment we will deploy to (e.g. Dev, Test, Staging).

It makes sense, I think, to use a TeamCity Template to keep these configurations in sync, overriding the differences with parameters and variables (e.g. overriding NAnt targets).

The problem is that I cannot override the VCS Labelling configurations (the options are greyed out in the build configuration attached to a template). Ideally I'd like only the builds going to Test and Staging to be tagged, not the Dev builds.

Is there a way I can achieve this, or am I going to have to abandon the Template idea and have multiple build configurations?

I'm using TeamCity 6.0.


1 Answers


I'm afraid this is not implemented yet. You should probably vote for http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/TW-15182 request.