
I'm trying to incorporate TinyMCE into my CMS and I'm having the hardest time getting the width to resize to the size of my container. I'm using the advanced toolbar theme and the buttons do not drop below to form another row if the width is made smaller. I've searched a lot of forums and the TinyMCE docs and I can't find a solution that works for me.

So far I've tried:

  • Setting the width in the tinyMCE.init function
  • Setting auto_resize to true
  • Changing the editor container width with CSS
  • Changing the toolbars so they float
  • Using the custom autoresize function in the wiki

It seems like a lot of people have had issues with this, and the forum moderator at TinyMCE isn't particularly helpful or polite. Can anyone suggest a solution?

Is the problem that your width is not small enough (due to the toolbar buttons), or that the width does not adjust at all?Jeff Meatball Yang

1 Answers


Here's a CSS rule for your TinyMCE theme/style file that works for me:

.sclSkin table.mceToolbar, .sclSkin tr.mceFirst .mceToolbar tr td, .sclSkin tr.mceLast .mceToolbar tr td { float: left; }

Make sure to replace the .sclSkin above with the name/identifier of your theme/skin;