
I have setup the corn command using crontab -e command.


* * * * * /usr/bin/php7.2 /var/www/vhosts/hostname/httpdocs/bin/magento cron:run --group="test"

I have created module to run CRON job automatically. But it is not working automatically.

Instead when I hit command php bin/magento cron:run it works. I am surprised cron task is performing manually but not automatically.

Please don't use screenshot, copy paste your output directly in your question using code block.Mickael B.
Okay. let me edit.Ghulam Akbar

1 Answers


My bad. It is working fine now.

The actual issue was with the user setting up the CRON job. I was setting the CRON job with root user. Later I set up the same CRON using developer user having ftp access and it worked perfectly.