
I need to create a service principal and assign a new role to it through Python SDK. I am currently following steps as listed from this stackoverflow question.

I am currently working on the role assignment and I am stuck on the step of I need to input a principal_id. For example, as needed here to create a new role assignment. Where can I find this service principal id in Azure portal? Is it the appId or objectId under Azure Portal-> Active Directory -> App Registration -> My app?

Did you check in app registration in AAD?Gaurav Kumar
I just made an update to my question. Yes I am looking at the app registration in AAD. What I am confused about is which Id for my app is corresponding to the principal_id it's asking here. Is it the appId or the objectId for my app?user1655072

1 Answers


What I am confused about is which Id for my app is corresponding to the principal_id it's asking here. Is it the appId or the objectId for my app?

None of these. There should be a service principal tied to the application. That will have an ID.

enter image description here

PS. The screenshot is of the App Registration blade in the Azure portal.