
I'm trying to draw some curves, but it doesn't work out very well.

  • what I need

what I need

  • what I get

what I get


            xtick distance=1,
            ytick distance=1,
            axis equal image=true,
            grid style={gray!50},
            axis lines=middle,
            xmin=-4, xmax=9, ymin=-5, ymax=4,
            axis x line=center,
            axis y line=center,
            \addplot[thick, smooth] plot coordinates
                (-3, -1)
                (-.5, -3)
                (.5, -1.9)
                (1.5, -2.8)
                (3.5, 1)
                (5.5, 3)
                (7.5, -1.95)
                (8, -1.5)

Is it possible to build such smooth curves without adding a large number of points? In the original drawing, you can see several reference points. Is there any way to configure \addplot or any other command?

In fact there can be innumerable number of curves passing through a given set of points (such as the 8 you have)... and it's quite unlikely that they will resemble each other. Fitting a polynomial could be one of the solutions, but it seems that that doesn't hold in your case. What additionally needs to be given, is the gradient at each point-- which all seems to be 0 (except the last point).Partha D.

1 Answers


Using the added information that all those points (except the last one) have zero gradient, Bézier curves seem better suited than a smooth plot.

So, you may achieve this kind of thing...


with this bit of code...



  \begin{tikzpicture}[thick, line cap=round, >=latex, scale=0.5]

  % Some constants for the Bezier curve

  % The grid, axes and labels
  \draw[thin, gray!20, help lines] (-4.5 ,-4.5) grid (9.5 ,4.5);
  \draw[very thick, ->] (-4.5, 0) -- (9.8, 0) node[above] {$x$};
  \draw[very thick, ->] (0, -4.5) -- (0, 4.8) node[left] {$y$};
  \path (-3, 0) coordinate (x1) node[above] {$-3$}
        (0,  0) coordinate (x2) node[below] {$\quad0$}
        (1,  0) coordinate (x3)
        (8,  0) coordinate (x4) node[below] {$8$}
        (0,  1) coordinate (y1) node[right] {$1$};

  % ticks are really cumbersome
  \draw[very thick] ($(x1)+(0,-\w)$) -- ($(x1)+(0,\w)$);
  \draw[very thick] ($(x3)+(0,-\w)$) -- ($(x3)+(0,\w)$);
  \draw[very thick] ($(x4)+(0,-\w)$) -- ($(x4)+(0,\w)$);
  \draw[very thick] ($(y1)+(-\w,0)$) -- ($(y1)+(\w,0)$);

  % Finally, the points...
  \path (-3, -1)    coordinate (A)
        (-.5,-3)    coordinate (B)
        (.5, -1.9)  coordinate (C)
        (1.5,-2.8)  coordinate (D)
        (3.5, 1)    coordinate (E)
        (5.5, 3)    coordinate (F) node[above] {$y=F(x)$}
        (7.5,-1.95) coordinate (G)
        (8, -1.5)   coordinate (H);

  % and the line with suitable gradients (after a bit trial and error)
  \draw[ultra thick] 
        (A) ..controls +(\u, 0) and ( $(B) + (-\x, 0)$ )..
        (B) ..controls +(\x, 0) and ( $(C) + (-\v, 0)$ )..
        (C) ..controls +(\v, 0) and ( $(D) + (-\v, 0)$ )..
        (D) ..controls +(\x, 0) and ( $(E) + (-\u, 0)$ )..
        (E) ..controls +(\u, 0) and ( $(F) + (-\x, 0)$ )..
        (F) ..controls +(\x, 0) and ( $(G) + (-\u, 0)$ )..
        (G) ..controls +(\w, 0) and ( $(H) + (-\w,-\v)$ )..

  % two small circles to mark the curve ends
  \draw[thin, fill=white] (A) circle (3pt);
  \draw[thin, fill=white] (H) circle (3pt);