
I'm creating a table using PrimeNG. I want to allow the user to sort AND filter by column. I can successfully sort, but when I try to type in the filter text input of any column, the input loses focus and the column gets sorted. I've debugged a little and it seems like the sorting functionality of primeNG is activated whenever a click is captured in the header of the table. Since my filter input is inside the header, when I try to click on it to start typing, it activates the sort and I lose focus.

Stackblitz reproduction: https://stackblitz.com/edit/primeng-table-g9uxkf

Any idea on how I could counter this?

Thank you in advance.

Can you enable the stackblitz to fork please.Ragavan Rajan
can you update your question with some code and enable the stackblitzHappy Coder
How do I enable the stackblitz? I changed the link, maybe now you can fork?Tecnogirl

2 Answers


What I ended up doing was capturing the click event on the text input (the filter) and stopping its propagation.

clickOnFilter(event: Event) {

Adding this to the input tag helped me to resolve the issue.. Now Search is also working and sorting is also working



<input pInputText type="text" (click)="$event.stopPropagation()" (input)="dt1.filter($event.target.value, col.field, col.filterMatchMode)" [value]="dt1.filters[col.field]?.value">