
I have a procedure in oracle having input fields varchar2 and number. I am adding parameters from my .Net code using Oracle.DataAccess.dll. I am getting an exception like

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error\nORA-06512: at line 1

If I run procedure directly from oracle sql developer, it works fine.


OracleCommand cmd = (OracleCommand)_dbFactory.CreateCommand();
                cmd.Connection = (OracleConnection)_conOracle;
                cmd.CommandText = "SERVICE_STATUS";
                cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                cmd.Parameters.Add("PANUMBER", OracleDbType.Int32).Value = 10;
                cmd.Parameters.Add("PA_LINK", OracleDbType.Varchar2).Value = "Test";
                cmd.Parameters.Add("PO_MSG", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 4000).Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;
                catch(Exception ex1) {
                    log.Debug("Exception ex1 "+ ex1.Message+" inner--"+ex1.InnerException);

                string isValid = cmd.Parameters["PO_MSG"].Value.ToString();                
                if (isValid == "SUCCESS")
                    return true;
                    return false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;


create or replace
PROCEDURE SERVICE_STATUS( panumber number, pa_link varchar2 default NULL, po_msg OUT VARCHAR2 )

   --logic comes here


"Logic comes here" might be responsible. It seems that you're somewhere doing TO_NUMBER on a string that contains something else but digits; for example, TO_NUMBER('12F') will fail.Littlefoot
Do you still have a problem if you comment out all the --logic comes here but assign po_msg := "Some Test Message";?Dmitry Bychenko
@Littlefoot i understand, but i passed numeric field and it failed. I have not given a conversion like this.Ajoe
@DmitryBychenko I dont have permission to edit the procedures. So i couldn't check that.Ajoe
Try switching OracleDbType.Int32 to OracleDbType.Decimal - Oracle maps a NUMBER without precision to a .NET Decimal not an integer - Also you should be calling ExecuteNonQuery...Dominic Cotton

1 Answers


Whenever you have a procedure with one OUT parameter I would rather prefer to create a function instead.

Anyway, looks like you cannot change that, so take what you have.

Try to add the parameter like this:

cmd.Parameters.Add("PO_MSG", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 4000, null, ParameterDirection.Output); cmd.Parameters["PO_MSG"].DbType = DbType.String;

(Only relevant for older version of ODP.NET providers)

The cmd.ExecuteScalar(); seems to be wrong. See documentation:

This method executes the query using the connection, and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.

You don't execute a query, you want to invoke a procedure. Use cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

But the real issue should be the size of your output parameter. Apparently 4000 characters is not sufficient. As opposed to SQL (unless you set MAX_STRING_SIZE = EXTENDED) the max. size of VARCHAR2 datatype is 32767, see PL/SQL Program Limits.

So, change your parameter to

cmd.Parameters.Add("PO_MSG", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 32767).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;