well in my case I have a list of Url and I want to download each and every file from those urls and organise it in firebase storage bucket, my problem is I am unable to make folders in firebase storage bucket through nodejs javascript/typescript.
well firebase storage offers ref() and child method to upload files inside child folder (see this) but firebase only offers those method for firebase client libraries, it is not that we can not use client library in nodejs but they have made some namespaces hidden when you connect firebase client library in nodejs and storage is one of them (see this).
I am happy they have considered frontend and backend separately because of this very reason that front and backend have whole different scenario for security and use cases, so what they have really written to use in nodejs is firebase admin and I cannot see ref and child method in official documentation which they have said is this not any other way to name the file I am uploading nor any method for making folders to go child directories, when I upload a file from my computer it get saved in the bucket root with the same name as the filename it was in my computer, even though I can make folders from firebase console manually but it will not fulfill my requirement for sure there should must be any way to make folders in programmatically.
I also tried using google cloud storage library const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage');
but it turned out firebase admin and gogole cloud library shares the same document and have same interface at least in upload file part.
well I have spent my day (well night too since it is 4:46am) trying different libraries and digging into their documents which I also found little unorganised and lack of code examples.
any help would be appreciated, my code snippet so far is following which is from their doc and uploading file correctly:
import "firebase/firestore"
credential: admin.credential.cert("./../path-to-service account-cert.json"),
databaseURL: 'gs://bilal-assistant-xxxxx.appspot.com'
const quran_bucket = admin.storage().bucket("quran-bucket");
quran_bucket.upload("./my_computer_path/fatiha.mp3", {
gzip: true,
metadata: {
cacheControl: 'public, max-age=31536000',
}).then(uploadResponse => {
console.log(` uploaded complete.`);
}).catch((reason: any) => {
console.log("reason: ", reason);
All I wanted is to save the audio file in folder bucket, not in bucket root
in a folder such asaudio/juz30/fatiha.mp3
in firebase storage – Inzamam Malik