Here it is explained how to download data from a gAE app,
First thing to do is setting up remote_api. The bulk loader tool communicates with your application running on App Engine using remote_api, a request handler included with the App Engine runtime environment that allows remote applications with the proper credentials to access the datastore remotely. There are two ways to install remote_api: automatically using the builtins directive, or you manually using the url directive.
I enabled it using builtins directive: i changed app.yaml accordingly
- remote_api: on
Its given that this directive finds "include.yaml" file for the remote_api and maps the request handler to /_ah/remote_api. Only administrators of the application can access this URL.
but i never came across include.yaml
after that i tried downloading data using the the commands given there download_data --application=<app-id> --url=http://<appname>[remote_api_path] --filename=<data-filename>
i'm getting an error saying permission denied, i'm confused. i am also not able to use "create_bulkloader_config" command, getting the same error, I'm confused, Thanks