
Is there a way to connect an Azure Active Directory application to a key vault to access a certificate rather than uploading the certificate file in the Certificate & Secrets section in the Azure portal?

what are you trying to do ? could explain a little more ? you re trying to connect to kv to get a cert ? what are you gonna use this cert for ?Thomas
I created cert in the key vault and i am importing it in app service through the key vault. But in AAD app registration we have to manually upload the cert file. So i wanted to know if it is possible to connect to the key vault cert in the app registration as well. We are using the key vault cert for auto renewal of the certtumblewood
so next question is what are you doing with this app registration ? you could use managed identity rather app registration if applicable ? docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-app-configuration/…Thomas

1 Answers


No. A certificate credential in AAD always has the public key in the Application/Service principal object. There is no way to refer to a certificate in Key Vault.