I've cobbled together a script for google scripts, to use in Google sheets, which aims to find certain rows and move them about.
When a check box in a certain column is marked, I get a range of cells from that row, and then move them to another column. I want them to go to the last empty row in that column. Or, if it's easier, they could go to the first empty row.
I have the functionality in place, but I'm worried that once my sheet gets to a hundred or a few hundred rows, this function is going to run incredibly slowly.
Can anyone help me to write this code in a more optimised/efficient way?
Edit: I need the last from from a specific subset of columns, not just the last row in the whole sheet.
Code is below:
function moveDoneTask()
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var columnNumberToWatch = 7;
var range = sheet.getActiveCell();
var lastRowinProgressColumns;
var lastRowinDoneColumns = 0;
for (var i=1, doneRows=sheet.getRange("K:S").getNumRows(); i<=doneRows; i++) {
if ( !sheet.getRange(i, 11, 1, 9).isBlank() )
lastRowinDoneColumns = i;
Logger.log("last done row" +lastRowinDoneColumns);
for (var j=1, notDoneRows=sheet.getRange("A:I").getNumRows(); j<=notDoneRows; j++) {
if (!sheet.getRange(j, 1, 1, 9).isBlank())
lastRowinProgressColumns = j;
Logger.log("last not done row" +lastRowinProgressColumns);
if (range.getColumn() == columnNumberToWatch && range.isChecked())
Logger.log("is checked");
targetRange = sheet.getRange(lastRowinDoneColumns + 1, 11)
cellsToMove = sheet.getRange(range.getRow(), 1, 1, 9)
belowCellsToMove = cellsToMove.offset(1, 0) //get the row of cells below the cells that are about to be moved
rangeMovingUp = sheet.getRange("A"+belowCellsToMove.getRow()+":I"+lastRowinProgressColumns)
Logger.log("row below me is row " + belowCellsToMove.getRow());
Thanks for your help!
Edit 2: Took the advice below and made some changes to the script, seems to be running faster now:
function moveDoneTask()
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var columnNumberToWatch = 7;
var range = sheet.getActiveCell();
if (range.getColumn() == columnNumberToWatch && range.isChecked())
targetRow = (sheet.getRange('M11:S').getNextDataCell(SpreadsheetApp.Direction.DOWN).getRow() + 1);
targetRange = sheet.getRange(targetRow, 11)
notDoneRows = sheet.getRange("A:I").getNumRows()
cellsToMove = sheet.getRange(range.getRow(), 1, 1, 9)
belowCellsToMove = cellsToMove.offset(1, 0)
rangeMovingUp = sheet.getRange("A"+belowCellsToMove.getRow()+":I"+notDoneRows)
lastRow = sheet.getLastrow()
to get the last used row in the sheet (so you'd need to paste tolastRow + 1
– James Payne.getLastRow()
but I need the last row in a specific column(s), not the last row in the whole sheet. So I'm looking to move say cells A10, B10, C10 and D10 to columns E, F, G and H, but to an empty row within those columns only. It's basically a to do list, so I'm moving a done task from one side of the spreadsheet to the other. – Hannah