
I have successfully installed the cgal-swig bindings and I can create either 2D or 3D triangulations as in the examples. The documentation and examples only use either a 2D or 3D triangulation.

However I have a set of 2.5D points being x,y,depth. I want a 2D Delaunay triangulation with z/depth/height being a property or attribute of the vertices. From my understanding, a Delaunay_triangulation_2 only takes 2D Points_2 objects and a Triangulation_3 generates tetrahedra and not triangles.

I think these solutions would almost solve my problems:

However, the proposed solutions are in C++ (which I do not understand). Is it possible to use the same approach using projection_traits_xy_3 using the cgal-swig bindings in Python? Or is there another way I can (efficiently) link a collection of CGAL Point_2 to a lookup table with more information? In the end I would be using it for e.g. terrain interpolation etcetera.


1 Answers


There are no bindings of projection_traits in CGAL for now.