I'm adding caching to my Laravel app routes. I have a function that renders a blog post on my site:
public function show(Post $post)
SEO::setCanonical('https://employbl.com/blog/' . $post->slug);
SEO::opengraph()->setUrl('https://employbl.com/blog/' . $post->slug);
SEO::opengraph()->addProperty('type', 'article');
$markdown = Markdown::parse($post->body);
return view('blog.post', compact('post', 'markdown'));
This is the route that calls the method: Route::get('/blog/{post}', 'PostController@show')->name('posts.show');
so that my blog renders a URL with a slug like: https://employbl.com/blog/laravel-vue-tailwindcss-single-page-application-spa
What is the best way to implement caching on this route so the page loads faster for users?
Would it be something like:
$post = Cache::rememberForever('blog-post' . $post->id, function(){
return $post;
Or is caching even necessary with route model binding? Does the cache key need to be unique or can I just use "blog-post" as cache key? Would it be better to cache the $markdown
variable instead of the $post
variable? Both?
table. what's the best way to cache whole page contents for above method? – Connor Leechresponse
, and returns it immediately if its already cached. – Flame