I've done this in the past, without knowing what your data looks like or what type of chart you are using I can't give a complete answer. The following should however, give you a good start and some idea on how to approach the problem.
The process goes as follows.
- Get summary data for you chart (aggregated ready to display)
- Find the highest count across all
the range of data to be displayed
- Calculate the RGB values for the desired colour
- Convert these RGB Values to Hex so we can use them directly in the chart
Almost the entire process is done in SQL, the chart simply uses the HexColour field that we generate in step 4 above, as the series color.
Before we start, we'll need a function to do the RGB to HEX conversion, here the code
CREATE FUNCTION [ConvertRGBValuesToHexColour] (@R int, @G int, @B int)
RETURNS varchar(7)
Here's the complete code with a few comments to explain
-- Generate some test data
DECLARE @t TABLE (HourNumber int, myCount int)
(1, 3), (2,4), (3,10), (20,2), (21,15), (24,1)
-- some variables to help calculate the range of values we have
DECLARE @MaxCount float
DECLARE @Multiplier float
-- get the highest count in our data (15 in hour 20 in this case)
SELECT @MaxCount = MAX(myCount) FROM @t
SET @Multiplier = 100/@MaxCount
-- Get the base data plus a column continaing the percentage of the maximum (pc)
select * , myCount * @Multiplier as pc into #c from @t
-- Use the pc column to set the green and blue values (adjust as you want)
-- include a null column to store the HexColor
HourNumber, myCount
, Red = 255 -- Red: always 255
, Green = 255 - ((30.00/100.00)*pc) -- Green: gives range from 255 - 225 for 0 to 100%. Anything over 100% will be set to 255 in next statement
, Blue = 254 - ((254.00/100.00)*pc) -- Blue: Give range of 254 - 0 for 0 to 100%
, CAST(NULL AS char(7)) as HexColour
, pc
into #r
-- update the HexColour column
UPDATE #r SET HexColour = dbo.ConvertRGBValuesToHexColour (Red, CASE WHEN Green <225 THEN 225 ELSE Green END , Blue)
-- select the final results
The final output will look like this. (we don't need the RGB values or the pc
column in the final output but I left in for clarity)
HourNumber myCount Red Green Blue HexColour pc
1 3 255 249 203.2 #FFF9CB 20
2 4 255 247 186.26 #FFF7BA 26.66
3 10 255 235 84.66 #FFEB54 66.66
20 2 255 251 220.13 #FFFBDC 13.33
21 15 255 225 0 #FFE100 100
24 1 255 253 237.06 #FFFDED 6.66
If you follow this example, add a column chart to your report, set the values to myCount
and add a Category Group for HourNumber
Note (I also added a table in the image below for testing purposes)

Now right-slick on one of the columns in the chart - choose series properties and set the fill color to =Fields!HexColour.Value

The final output looks like this.
note This uses a yellow range, just adjust the three RGB column calculations to get a range that suits your needs. Experiment with different range values too (e.g. the 30 in the Green column calculation) to make the range of colours larger or smaller.

Hopefully this gives you enough to progress.